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Written By Tyler Jones

Creating my first gem!

When I started this project it was very intimidating because I didn’t have the slightest understanding of gems. sure, I used them a little here and there but, what is a gem? what are gems used for? what’s an API? How do I get one? I spent the first few days learning about GitHub and creating a local environment, then the next few searching for an API that was easy enough for a beginner to figure out how to use.

Object Orientation

When I was first introduced to OOR (Object Oriented Ruby), I found myself struggling a lot. Being able to think and code using OOR was like trying to learn a new language inside of a language I’m already struggling to learn. Days were spent reading, watching hours of YouTube videos, drinking coffee and scratching my head before I came across Object Relations. Coding out relationships helped change my way of thinking and I started to visualize the way objects interact with each other.

Why Software Engineering?

learning to code wasn’t at the top of things I thought I would be interested in while in high school or college. When I was reintroduced to it a few months ago I felt something click. I enjoyed learning, reading, writing and just about everything else. I never had a euphoric moment, I didn’t wake up one day knowing this is what I want to do. It took some work and a ton of practice to figure it out.