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Written By Tyler Jones

Principals of Test-Driven Development (TDD)

​ Before I get started with the principals of TDD, it’s important to distinguish the other different testing patterns; when to (or not to) use them, the distribution of them, and why that matters.

Sessions and Cookies With Node and Express

​ Cookies are sent via response headers and store data on the clients browser. The most common examples of this are for adds, tracking, shopping carts, and authentication. In Node, you can use the response object to set cookies in the header directly with:

Intro to OOP (part 2)

​ Welcome to the second part of my Object Oriented Programming (OOP) blog series, if you haven’t read the first one check it out here. As we delve a bit further into OOP fundamentals and concepts ill include further readings and resources at the bottom to cover specificities.

Intro to Object Oriented Programming

While there a other types of programming paradigms, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the most popular. Each paradigm has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the application and many languages support multiple types. This blog will focus on an overview of the OOP paradigm and may include a part two in the future.

Database Scalability

Database scalability is a big topic with a lot to cover so I’d like to some up some of the higher level concepts. It’s important to note that just because you can scale doesn’t mean you should. If you have ten users and ten products there’s no reason to worry about scaling. Scaling to early can be a waste of resources and time instead, you should wait until the load on the server starts to be cumbersome.