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Written By Tyler Jones

What is DNS (part 2)

This is the seccond part of my explanation on DNS see here for part 1. This will detail less about what DNS is and more about zones and security.

What is DNS (Domain Name System)?

The internet is made up of computers all over the world that communicate with each other using IP addresses. DNS translates host names to IP addresses, when you type in a website address and you’re computer doesn’t already have the IP address in cache it will query a DNS server to see if it has the IP address.

How to configure next-auth with MongoDB Atlas + Mongoose

I’m working with a group to create an open source application using Next.js with MongoDB and Mongoose, I found It difficult to find adequate documentation on being able to manipulate, query and update a user with next-auth. I dug into issues, discussions, and documentation but only found myself halfway there.

What Makes Next.js Great!

Next is a framework built for optimizing React’s client-side rendering SPA library into a server-side rending framework.

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