Welcome to my blog!

Written By Tyler Jones

URL Queries With Express


JavaScript Common Data Structures and When to Use Them

TL;DR a study guide to improve knowledge of data structures

Some Neat resources for JavaScript Data Structures

​ I’ve been on a path to learning more about data structures this last week and decided to dedicate this blog to some cool things I found that others might not know about.

Website testing: What is a web server?

​ localhost is a loopback addresses in which the IP point to your computer. A loopback address is a special IP address reserved for use in testing network cards that always looks like 127.x.x.x and it needs a network interface to communicate with itself (via: LAN, WAN, etc.) see the difference

An Amazing Accessibility Extension

The Siteimprove Accessibility Checker extension is free on google chrome and is extremely easy to use and navigate. Each category of issues checked offers tons of information and links to WCAG documentation.